A New Day at IPANM




American Energy Alliance (May 22, 2022) - Joe Biden and his administration have a plan American energy: make it harder
Fox Business (May 11, 2022) - Interior Department canceled a 1-million-plus acre oil lease in Alaska as Americans face painfully
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (May 10, 2022) - The rise of U.S. retail gasoline prices in March 2022 has
Energy In Depth (April 26, 2022) - John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, is the latest Biden administration official
Energy In Depth (April 22, 2022) - White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy may have spilled the beans on
IPANM (April 15, 2022) -- In response to the Department of Interior's Leasing Announcement, IPANM releases the following statement: "The Biden administration’s
PANM (April 15, 2022) -- In response to final deliberations and passage of a New Mexico Ozone Precursor Methane Rule, IPANM
Farmington Daily Times (March 31, 2022) - After many years of debate, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is officially
Wall Street Journal (March 14, 2022) -- (Op-Ed by Harold Hamm, Founder of Continental Resources) Gasoline prices are higher than
NY Post (March 11, 2022) - (By Glenn Harlan Reynolds,a professor of law at the University of Tennessee and founder


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