A New Day at IPANM



information & issues

Welcome to IPANM’s Information & Issues webpage!

IPANM is not afraid to take strong stances on many current issues threatening our industry. We have to! Seemingly minor changes to regulations or rules can have a major impact on the financial solvency of our small oil & gas producers. While we will never compromise on our duties to protect human health, fresh water and the environment in our daily activities, we will fight unnecessary government overreach when new regulatory proposals are not based on sound science and do little to protect the environment.

Below, we’ve identified serious issues facing our producers. Please click on the corresponding button to learn more about each issue and IPANM’s stance on the issue. (Note: Some of this content may be restricted for members only. To access this exclusive content, please join our association!)


Inside Sources (Nov. 7, 2019) - New Mexico would suffer severe economic harm with the loss of revenue due to
IPANM, Reuters & OilPrice.com (Nov. 1, 2019) - While IPANM would have serious concerns if a newly-elected President would seek
IPANM, C-SPAN & Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2019) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved legislation (H.R. 2181)
George Sharpe, IPANM Member (Oct. 30, 2019) - IPANM Member, Columnist, Energy Instructor and Investment Manager at Merrion Oil & Gas
IPANM (Oct. 29, 2019) - Due to a considerable number of important rulemaking hearings set for 2020, IPANM is asking
IPANM (Oct. 29, 2019) - In early 2019, the New Mexico State Legislature approved HB546 which gives the New Mexico Oil Conservation Division (OCD) new
IPANM (Oct. 29, 2019) - IPANM is reminding operators that New Mexico's Oil Conservation Division (OCD) will have new authority
CNN (Oct. 20, 2019) - Warren, currently the odds-on favorite to be the Democratic presidential nominee, wants to ban fracking "everywhere." And the
IPANM continues to be on the front line of the new state administration's plan to impose a Methane Rule specific
(EEIA) October 9, 2019 - Our friends at the Energy Equipment & Infrastructure Alliance have noted a new legislative bill