A New Day at IPANM




"Bufferzones Are Arbitrary" IPANM Executive Director Jim Winchester joined KKOB Radio Morning Host Scott Clark on Monday to discuss IPANM's position on
Based on what we know, it’s tough to tell if the executive order issued last week by Land Commissioner Stephanie
IPANM (June 2, 2023) - The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum
IPANM Releases Statement on SLO Leasing Moratorium Near Schools  IPANM (June 1, 2023) - The following statement has been released
IPANM was part of a coalition of state and federal trade associations was successful in stopping the confirmation of Ann
American Oil & Gas Reporter (May 24, 2023) -- IPANM Executive Director Jim Winchester and Board President Alex Campbell of
Hart Energy (May 25, 2023)  .. The U.S. oil and gas industry is fighting a Biden administration intent on eviscerating
IPANM (May 20, 2023) - An environmental watchdog group contends that New Mexico fossil fuel companies are using cancer-causing chemicals
Reuters (May 18, 2023) - New Mexico's crude oil production grew more last year than any other U.S. state, including
Power The Future (March 28, 2023) - In response to President Joe Biden’s threat to veto H.R. 1 (Lower Energy


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