A New Day at IPANM




George Sharpe, IPANM Member (August 25, 2020) - IPANM Member, Columnist, Energy Instructor and Investment Manager at Merrion Oil & Gas
Kallanish Energy (August 25, 2020) - The drop in the U.S. rig count began in March and it has finally
New York Times (August 24, 2020) - The Trump administration will resume its oil and gas leasing program on Wednesday
Alex Epstein: My message to Kamala Harris on fracking Epstein (August 12, 2020) -- Noted author Alex Epstein, who authored
Santa Fe New Mexican (July 19, 2020) - In New Mexico, emissions of key air pollutants and greenhouse gases, like
IPANM's member companies have generously donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to COVID-19 relief efforts in New Mexico. While there
Well, it’s not -$37 anymore so we’ve got that going for us!  According to Enverus, as of 7/13/2020 the rig
I have been sitting at my desk, staring out the window, trying to think about how I can craft a
Carlsbad Current Argus (July 14, 2020) - Federal public land in southeast New Mexico continued to be offered to the
Associated Press (July 12, 2020) - The crash of the oil business and the economic decline that has followed the


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