A New Day at IPANM




Morningstar (January 28,2021) - Mr. Biden’s action, the start of a sweeping plan to tackle climate change, has raised concerns across New
(IPANM & Platts) Jan. 27, 2021 - President Joe Biden implemented a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on
IPANM (Jan. 27, 2021) - - The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent
Forbes (January 24, 2021) - Officials in the state of New Mexico professed to be taken aback last week by
IPANM (Jan. 21, 2021) - On the second day of the Biden administration, the Interior Department has issued a temporary
S & P Global (Jan. 16, 2021) - The total US oil and gas rig count leaped by 18 to
Washington Examiner (Jan. 15, 2021) - The largest U.S. oil and gas lobby group, the American Petroleum Institute, is promising
Albuquerque Journal (January 16, 2021) - SANTA FE – Each January, the Roundhouse fills with schoolkids, lobbyists and politicians –
The Center Square (January 8, 2021) - Tougher restrictions on oil and gas development on federal lands in New Mexico
KRQE (January 5, 2021) - In two weeks, New Mexico lawmakers will meet for a long 60-day session. We’re getting


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