IPANM Releases Statement on Leasing Moratorium

IPANM (Jan. 27, 2021) – – The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico:

The Biden administration continues to attack the hardworking oil & gas producers, drillers and field workers of the United States. These actions particularly hit New Mexico harder than other oil & gas producing states due to our high percentage of federal lands and mineral rights.

With the stroke of a pen, New Mexico will now lose thousands of jobs, and millions of dollars in leasing of federal acreage. Federal permits to drill, sundries, and rights-of-way are all on hold with an uncertain future. Our oil and gas producers report that these orders are the equivalent of dropping a bomb on their operations.

The clear winners of these actions?  Foreign oil producing countries. Americans still want to fly and drive. While the demand for fossil fuels will remain unchanged, the supply will have to come from foreign adversaries. The Biden administration has just empowered countries most hostile to the United States.

The clear losers? In addition to hardworking Americans, the environment. Domestic oil & gas production ensures environmental protections, whereas foreign actors, including Russia and China, have far fewer regulations in place. The Biden administration has just accelerated climate change.

IPANM strongly urges the Biden Administration to reconsider bans on federal leasing and permitting, and end their attacks on the oil & gas industry.

PDF Version of IPANM Statement