New Mexico Gas Capture Plan Form

IPANM has participated with NMOGA, PBPA and the NMOCD in addressing Governor Susana Martinez’s directive related to developing a Gas Capture Plan (GCP) for New Mexico. Following meetings and discussion, the following policy directive has been developed to address Gas Capture and will go into effect May 1st, 2016.

Please see the linked NMOCD Gas Capture Plan Form.

The Gas Capture Committee has finalized the Gas Capture Plan (GCP) form and is ready for distribution. This Gas Capture Plan outlines actions to be taken by the Operator to reduce well/production facility flaring/venting for new completion (new drill, recomplete to new zone, re-frac) activity. The requirement applies to State, Fee, Federal, & Tribal wells.

The effective date is May 1st, 2016 and applies to the following:

• For new completion (new drill, recomplete to new zone, re-frac) activity already approved as of May 1st, a GCP will be required within 30 days of spud or commencement date.

• For new completion (new drill, recomplete to new zone, re-frac) activity already filed and not yet approved, a GCP will be required prior to spud or commencement of recomplete or re-frac activity.

• For new completion (new drill, recomplete to new zone, re-frac) activity filed on or after May 1st, a GCP will need to accompany the APD or sundry notice as required for the activity.

The NMOCD plans to have outreach sessions to inform and distribute the form. Keep on the lookout on NMOCD website under “Announcements/Notifications” section for dates.