IPANM Releases Statement on Federal Methane Rule Revisions

IPANM (November 11, 2022) – In response to the EPA’s revisions to the Federal Methane Rule, IPANM releases the following statement:

“IPANM recognizes the need for cost-effective regulations to manage emissions, and shares in the commitment to utilize new technologies at facilities and wellsites across New Mexico. Unfortunately, for this updated revision of the Federal Methane Rule, the EPA has once again chosen to ignore industry input in favor of environmental groups who share President Biden’s goal of ending all oil & gas production immediately without consideration of the impacts on New Mexicans.

IPANM’s specific concerns with the new revisions lie with overreaching pneumatic equipment restrictions that will stifle development in areas like the San Juan Basin, and shutter thousands of still-productive marginal wells throughout the Permian. IPANM also believes increased frequency of inspections are unnecessary, redundant, and a significant burden on small, independent operators.

IPANM members have and will continue to implement both the new state and federal regulations, but will also continue to challenge those parts of new rules that will put small operators out of business and cripple existing producers who already operate in a safe, environmentally-responsible manner.”

–Jim Winchester
Executive Director, Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico