IPANM Releases Statement on Environment Department’s Methane Rule

IPANM (May. 6, 2021) – – The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico regarding the New Mexico Environment Department’s May 6, 2021 filing of a new Methane Rule (targeting Ozone Precursors) with the Environmental Improvement Board:

“The Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico is reviewing the redrafted Methane Rule filed with the Environmental Improvement Board on Thursday afternoon. Based on IPANM’s initial review of today’s rule, we have serious concerns about language that eliminates almost all workable operating thresholds for marginal well oil & gas production in New Mexico.

While we appreciate the administration’s stated intention to have a collaborative, fact-based process, the rule proposed today does not offer a balanced approach. If passed, this rule threatens to put thousands of jobs at risk, prematurely plug or shut-in marginal wells, and inflect economic hardship on New Mexico with little to no gain to the environment.

We strongly urge the Governor and the administration to reconsider marginal well provisions that have been taken out of this final draft. It’s critical that the final rule be based on science and common sense, not just the emotions of radical environmental groups.”

PDF Version of IPANM Statement

NMED’s new Methane Rule targeting Ozone Precursors