IPANM Calls on DOI to End Leasing Moratorium

IPANM (April 19, 2021) –  IPANM submitted comments to the Department of the Interior calling for end of the current federal leasing moratorium that is already impacting drilling activity in New Mexico.

In the comment letter, IPANM Executive Director Jim Winchester writes that the initial 60-day halt of all permitting activity and the ongoing 1-year federal leasing moratorium is “the cause of economic distress that has slowed industry recovery while keeping workers unemployed in New Mexico’s oil & natural gas producing basins.”

IPANM’s letter provides significant evidence to the DOI that “moratoriums lead to significant state job losses, domestic insecurity, increased environmental damage, more bureaucratic delays, and undermine fundamental multiuse land principles.”

Please take a moment to review IPANM’s submitted comments by clicking on the link below.

April 15, 2021 IPANM Comments to DOI

IPANM will continue to push hard for relief from the Department of the Interior’s anti-Oil & Gas policies that have been enacted since under the new federal administration.