First of Two State Rules Adopted to Target Methane

IPANM & ABQ Journal (March 26, 2021) – The New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission has approved a new OCD rule to limit methane emissions through gas capture and waste prevention in New Mexico.  The adoption occurred during the March 25, 2021 OCC Hearing, which puts the projected timeline for implementation for sometime in May. The adoption is the first of two rules that will be adopted by New Mexico state regulators in 2021. The second rule will target VOCs and other ozone precursors and is expected to be heard in front of the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board in mid-summer.  A final draft of that rule has yet to be released.

To assist in understanding the newly adopted OCD rule, please see IPANM’s rule slide presentation.

More information on the news reporting of the rule can be found in this ABQ Journal Article.