U.S. District Court Rules Obama Methane Rule Invalid for Oil, Gas on Public Lands

Bloomberg & IPANM (October 9, 2020) –  Recently, IPANM notified members that unless federal courts intervened, the 2016 Federal Waste Prevention (Obama-Era) Rule would be reinstated effective October 13, 2020. Yesterday, the U.S. District Court of Wyoming DID intervene and ruled the 2016 Rule invalid.

This is great news for industry! IPANM provided several comment letters the past few years in support of repealing the 2016 Rule, including sending our current Board President Ryan Davis to Washington, D.C. in 2018 to testify about the burdensome impacts of the Obama-Era rule on small producers. This yet another example of the value IPANM provides for our members on behalf of all independent producers in New Mexico and nationwide.

Our thanks to the Trump administration and our federal industry trade association partners Western Energy Alliance, IPAA and API for their efforts in facilitating the successful court appeal that led to yesterday’s ruling.

Please see this Bloomberg article for further details:

Court Nixes Obama Methane Rule for Oil, Gas on Public Lands

