A New Day at IPANM




George Sharpe, IPANM Member (Oct. 30, 2019) - IPANM Member, Columnist, Energy Instructor and Investment Manager at Merrion Oil & Gas
IPANM (Oct. 29, 2019) - Due to a considerable number of important rulemaking hearings set for 2020, IPANM is asking
CNN (Oct. 20, 2019) - Warren, currently the odds-on favorite to be the Democratic presidential nominee, wants to ban fracking "everywhere." And the
(OCD) - The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division has reorganized its districts which has led to some new office locations,
Sept. 25, 2019 (EPA & IPANM) - The EPA will be holding a public hearing in Dallas, Texas on October
IPANM - IPANM continues to closely monitor a series of new plans recently unveiled by New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan
Sept. 25, 2019 (IPANM) - IPANM has continued to keep in contact with the new state administration in regards to
New Mexico Environment Department Air Quality Bureau is hosting several stakeholder outreach events for the 2020 Minor Source Emissions Inventory. 
New Mexico Environment Department - The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has announced a process to implement House Bill 546,
(IPANM)- The New Mexico Environment Department has issued new clarifications over how they will enforce the new Spill Rule that


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