A New Day at IPANM
Our Members
IPANM was founded in 1978 by a concerned group of New Mexico independent oil and natural gas producers. Our members are producers and diverse group of industry associated professionals.
Message From Our President
Dear Current and Prospective Members of IPANM,
IPANM continues to deliver value and results unlike any other association of our kind! This past year, IPANM was either the leader or key entity in our industry that stopped bad legislation, fought bad regulations, and stood up against frivolous lawsuits.
We welcome 2025 with a new federal administration that understands the importance of oil & gas! However, the fight on the state level is an entirely different story. Environmentalists feel emboldened to continue to push for overly aggressive regulations and legislative proposals that have the goal of ending independent production. You can count on IPANM to fight back!
However, we cannot organize, rally members, and challenge bad bills & rules with just “our will” alone. We need you!
In addition to the legal fights, your IPANM membership will deliver all of the services you expect. Members have direct access to our leadership team and fellow members. IPANM also provides excellent value through frequent membership communications & updates on news that is important to operators, legal teams, regulatory compliance officers, and in-house lobbyists. Members continue to get exclusive access to IPANM.org and an extensive library of industry hot topics. Finally, IPANM will continue to offer member-only networking opportunities with training sessions, workshops, and special events in the year ahead, including our Annual Meeting set for July 9-11, 2025 at Sandia Resort & Casino.
I ask you to seriously consider joining or renewing your membership for 2025. We are eager to bring new independents into our association, as well as members from all sectors of the oil & gas Industry. If interested in joining, please log onto our website, http://www.ipanm.org and click on “Join Us!”
On behalf of IPANM’s Board of Directors and Staff, we thank you for your consideration. Feel free to reach out to our Executive Director Jim Winchester at jimwinchester@ipanm.org if you have any further questions about IPANM. For any invoice questions, please reach out to Operations Manager Kacy Brown at kacybrown@ipanm.org.
Highest Regards-
Nick Piatek
IPANM Board President 2024-25
Director of Government Affairs

Nick Piatek
IPANM Board President
July 12, 2024 to July 10, 2025
Protect, Defend, Promote
At IPANM, we advance and preserve the interests of independent oil and gas producers while educating the public to the importance of oil and gas to the state and all our lives.
The Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico was formed in 1978 by a concerned group of New Mexico independent oil and natural gas producers. In the spirit of this tradition, IPANM continues to grow and provide the services that protect, defend, and promote the industry that is the very foundation of our way of life.
Primary Goals of IPANM
• Educate the public about the benefits provided by our industry.
• Monitor industry issues on the state and national levels and get involved when necessary.
• Provide industry updates, technical education and networking opportunities.
• Challenge anti-industry groups who seek to intentionally deceive the public.
We stand committed to the independent oil and gas producers of New Mexico.
The Voice of the Independents: IPANM recognizes that from time to time, the needs of the independent producers differ from the majors. That is why we were formed in the first place.
We approach everything we do in consideration of the independent oil and natural gas producers.
Strategically Independent: IPANM is not afraid to stand up for smaller operators, even when other industry-friendly associations take different strategic positions on issues.
Membership: IPANM consists of members from various sectors of the oil and gas industry. Our members range from small, independent oil and gas producers (upstream) to small, independent pipeline workers and production site transportation employees (midstream), to independent marketers, consultants and bankers (downstream).

We will always be independent, but we recognize our friends are not our enemies.
• Methane Rules— Several New Mexico trade associations have worked together on the state’s Methane Advisory Panel to ensure the development of meaningful and feasible new regulations under consideration in New Mexico. Part of that collaboration has led to improved industry technology that has already significantly reduced methane emission reductions in New Mexico. Still, IPANM’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to appeal an unfair final Ozone Precursor Rule. We aren’t afraid to fight when necessary.
• Administrative Penalties— IPANM led the industry’s representation to ensure reasonable new authorities given to the State of New Mexico would not lead to excessive fines. Other trade associations helped provide data to IPANM’s legal team throughout the administrative rulemaking hearing. IPANM also provides support against individual companies in contesting fines that are inappropriately severe.
• Federal Leasing Restrictions & Federal Resource Management Plans— IPANM worked collaboratively with state trade associations to communicate strong opposition to illegal federal moratoriums on oil & gas leasing. We also submitted coordinaated comments for consideration to the BLM for their 20-year updates of Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for both the Carlsbad Field Office & Farmington Field Office.
Member Services
IPANM Annual Meeting
The IPANM Annual Meeting is a perfect opportunity to network with other top decision-makers in the industry in New Mexico. Timely and informative sessions!
Media Outreach
IPANM promotes the many positive aspects of industry, including state revenues, job creation and environmental stewardship. Likewise, when the anti-industry folks make false allegations, IPANM steps up and sets the record straight.
Digital Engagement
Social media (Facebook) and a strong web presence is a centerpiece of IPANM’s communication strategy. Our website (www.ipanm.org) is the up-to-date New
Mexico resource for independents, with articles for anyone who needs information on the industry.
Email Alerts
When information is important, IPANM issues email alerts exclusively to our members. More information on the subject is linked to our website.
Legislative Monitoring
IPANM monitors all proposed legislation in the State of New Mexico and actively lobbies on behalf of the interest of independent producers on all bills impacting industry.
Regulatory Engagement
IPANM works with government agencies and maintains productive relationships with leaders to achieve policies that are both business-friendly and environmentally responsible.
Legal Representation
As evidenced by our ongoing challenge to an overly stringent Methane Rule in New Mexico, IPANM is unafraid to pursue legal action when compromises cannot be reached. In fact, since we filed our challenge in 2022, other associations have joined our lawsuit as co-counsels.
Four Key Priorities

Our Members Are Our Strongest Asset: With hundreds of years worth of oil and gas experience, IPANM continues to engage our members to fight the challenges facing independents. IPANM is also in the midst of a targeted recruiting campaign to bring more members into our association.

Legislative Session: The 2024 New Mexico Legislative Session will run from Jan. 16 to Feb. 15, 2024 in Santa Fe. IPANM actively lobbies legislators and offers strategic public comments on behalf of our members during committee hearings. Members are engaged and involved!

Strategic Alliances: The entire oil and gas Industry is under attack in New Mexico from activists who want to put operators out of business. IPANM is already brokering strategic alliances with industry friendly groups to add the voice of the independents into a much louder, industry-wide chorus.

Annual Conference: The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in July of 2024! Plans are moving forward for another exciting agenda filled with great speakers and activities for our members, including our Annual Golf Outing. Sponsorships are available!

Message From Our Executive Director
Dear IPANM Members and Prospective Members:
As I begin my eigth year as IPANM’s Executive Director, I’d like to thank our members for their passion and hard work on behalf of all independents in New Mexico. Independents are the backbone of the Oil & Gas industry. So, if you are an independent producer, work with independents, or want to keep up on our latest efforts, I encourage you to join our association. Give us a year of your support, and I guarantee you will benefit through any number of events, information, or legislative efforts from IPANM. Please do not hesitate to reach me at jimwinchester@ipanm.org if I can be of any service.
Highest regards,
Jim Winchester
Executive Director, IPANM