A New Day at IPANM



information & issues

Welcome to IPANM’s Information & Issues webpage!

IPANM is not afraid to take strong stances on many current issues threatening our industry. We have to! Seemingly minor changes to regulations or rules can have a major impact on the financial solvency of our small oil & gas producers. While we will never compromise on our duties to protect human health, fresh water and the environment in our daily activities, we will fight unnecessary government overreach when new regulatory proposals are not based on sound science and do little to protect the environment.

Below, we’ve identified serious issues facing our producers. Please click on the corresponding button to learn more about each issue and IPANM’s stance on the issue. (Note: Some of this content may be restricted for members only. To access this exclusive content, please join our association!)


There are concerns about a new, very preliminary BLM proposal for hydraulic fracturing. According to API staff, "there has been
Yesterday in two parallel decisions, the Colorado Supreme Court struck down the Longmont ordinance banning fracking and the Fort Collins
On Friday, April 22, IPANM submitted a 22-page comment to the BLM regarding their very flawed proposal to increase regulations
As the current Presidential administration draws to a close, bureaucrats at the BLM are feverishly moving forward with amending existing
On March 23rd, 2016, the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) published Unbundling Cost Allocations (UCAs) for the Eunice Gas
IPANM has participated with NMOGA, PBPA and the NMOCD in addressing Governor Susana Martinez’s directive related to developing a Gas
As many of you are aware, the BLM released a proposed Venting and Flaring Rule that will have significant impacts
The linked document is a communication from the Farmington Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management.
Last week Commissioner Dunn at the New Mexico State Land Office held a very productive meeting with industry regarding having
If your company pays into the BLM Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement, there is a meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 3rd,