A New Day at IPANM



information & issues

Welcome to IPANM’s Information & Issues webpage!

IPANM is not afraid to take strong stances on many current issues threatening our industry. We have to! Seemingly minor changes to regulations or rules can have a major impact on the financial solvency of our small oil & gas producers. While we will never compromise on our duties to protect human health, fresh water and the environment in our daily activities, we will fight unnecessary government overreach when new regulatory proposals are not based on sound science and do little to protect the environment.

Below, we’ve identified serious issues facing our producers. Please click on the corresponding button to learn more about each issue and IPANM’s stance on the issue. (Note: Some of this content may be restricted for members only. To access this exclusive content, please join our association!)


IPANM (Royalties) - A new study conducted by the non-partisan Tax Research Institute shows that New Mexico oil and gas
IPANM (AIR QUALITY) - We are passing along a reminder from the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) that if you have
TIME (INFRASTRUCTURE) - In the Permian Basin, the heart of American oil country, the massive oil and gas boom is
LOS ALAMOS MONITOR (METHANE) - State Senator John Arthur Smith and House Minority Leader James Townsend have reacted to Gov.
CARLSBAD CURRENT ARGUS (ROYALTIES) - Representatives from the BLM’s Washington D.C. headquarters presented a check of over $460 million on
NMED (Air Quality) - The New Mexico Environment Department's Air Quality Bureau has released an information schedule for GCP-O&G permits
IPANM (ROYALTIES) - IPANM has completed a White Paper to urge the federal government to consider the reintroduction of Federal
IPANM (SETBACKS) - The Sandoval County Commission’s latest attempt to pass an overly-restrictive Oil & Gas ordinance was dead-on-arrival Thursday
NATURAL GAS INTELLIGENCE (ROYALTIES) - Increased oil and natural gas production, as well as regulatory reform and other factors, led
IPANM (SETBACKS) - The three-year saga that's cost county taxpayers tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollar