States Take Sides In EPA Methane Rule; NM Against Industry Again

States Take Sides In EPA Methane Rule; NM Against Industry Again

24 States Sue Over EPA Methane Rule IPANM Editor’s Note:  Not only is New Mexico not joining this suit to defend the state Oil & Gas industry, in the subsequent article below, New Mexico is blatantly supporting this rule which creates conflicts with New Mexico’s...
State Land Office Suspends Leasing of Future Oil & Gas Premium Tracts

State Land Office Suspends Leasing of Future Oil & Gas Premium Tracts

IPANM (Mar. 7, 2024) – The New Mexico State Land Office has abruptly notified the oil & gas industry that all future state premium tract lease offerings will be suspended indefinitely until a 25% royalty increase is approved by the state legislature. The...
American Oil & Gas Reporter Profiles IPANM

American Oil & Gas Reporter Profiles IPANM

American Oil & Gas Reporter (May 24, 2023) — IPANM Executive Director Jim Winchester and Board President Alex Campbell of Enduring Resources recently sat down with American Oil & Gas Reporter to discuss the industry in New Mexico.  Both discussed New...