Assault on NM Oil & Gas Returning At 2022 Legislative Session

Assault on NM Oil & Gas Returning At 2022 Legislative Session

Pinon Post (October 28, 2021) – An extreme proposal that died in the 2021 Legislative Session is back for the 2022 30-day Legislative Session.  Far-left members of the New Mexico House of Representatives and Senate proposed a bill, S.J.R. 3, that would change...
Navajo Leaders Seek Hearing on Oil & Gas Drilling Dispute

Navajo Leaders Seek Hearing on Oil & Gas Drilling Dispute

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) October 5, 2021 — Top officials with the largest Native American tribe in the United States are renewing a request for congressional leaders to hold a field hearing before deciding on federal legislation aimed at limiting oil and gas development...
Sgamma: Banning Oil Through Reconciliation Is Bad Policy

Sgamma: Banning Oil Through Reconciliation Is Bad Policy

Western Energy Alliance (October 5, 2021) – The budget reconciliation bill before Congress would, if passed with all the public lands provisions, drive oil and natural gas producers off federal lands in Colorado and across the West to other areas of the country...
Navajo Nation Opposes New Mexico Drilling Ban in Biden Bill

Navajo Nation Opposes New Mexico Drilling Ban in Biden Bill

The Washington Times (September 30, 2021) – The 24th Navajo Nation Council has come out against President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare and climate change bill because it bans new drilling outside Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwestern New...