by Jim Winchester, IPANM Executive Director | Jun 10, 2023 | A FEATURED STORY, Industry Benefits, ISSUES, News (Public Access)
Santa Fe New Mexican (June 9, 2023) – Thanks in large part to a booming oil and gas industry, New Mexico’s unprecedented revenue windfall is exceeding expectations by more than a half-billion dollars. Revenues for fiscal year 2023, which ends June 30, are...
by Jim Winchester, IPANM Executive Director | Jun 9, 2023 | A FEATURED STORY, ISSUES, News (Public Access), Rules & Regulations, Setbacks
“Bufferzones Are Arbitrary” IPANM Executive Director Jim Winchester joined KKOB Radio Morning Host Scott Clark on Monday to discuss IPANM’s position on the recent 10-mile buffer zone declaration around Chaco Canyon & IPANM’s response to the...
by Jim Winchester, IPANM Executive Director | Jun 6, 2023 | A FEATURED STORY, ISSUES, News (Public Access), Rules & Regulations, Setbacks
Based on what we know, it’s tough to tell if the executive order issued last week by Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard banning new oil and gas leases on state trust land within a mile of schools is an environmental safeguard of substance, or a solution in...
by Jim Winchester, IPANM Executive Director | Jun 2, 2023 | A FEATURED STORY, Anti-Industry Politics, ISSUES, News (Public Access), Rules & Regulations, Setbacks
IPANM (June 2, 2023) – The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico regarding the Department of Interior’s decision to enforce a 10-mile buffer zone drilling moratorium...
by Jim Winchester, IPANM Executive Director | Jun 1, 2023 | A FEATURED STORY, Anti-Industry Politics, ISSUES, Legal Matters, News (Public Access), Rules & Regulations, Setbacks
IPANM Releases Statement on SLO Leasing Moratorium Near Schools IPANM (June 1, 2023) – The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico regarding the State Land Commissioner’s...