The New Mexico Construction Industries Division (CID) will continue electrical connections in the oilfield through December 28, 2019. Recall that earlier this year, the CID notified Utility companies that the CID would end its practice of inspecting oil and gas well customer-owned electrical facilities, including meter loops and primary distribution power lines serving oil and gas wells. As a result, the utilities notified operators that they would not install and energize wells that have not been inspected. As result, New Mexico Oil and Gas producers have been caught in the middle of this dispute, facing uncertainty of whether electrical connections would be approved and energized.
As result of this dispute, it has now been decided through a recent Public Regulations Commission(PRC) ruling that the PRC will not require formal inspection paperwork for electrical connections, as the CID contends. For this reason, beginning after Dec. 28, Utility companies will now require a New Mexico licensed electrician to make the electrical connection with an International Code Council (ICC) certified inspector giving final sign-off approval on the connection. The key required paperwork is attached.
Thus, moving forward, producers will need to contract with third-party inspectors certified by the ICC. Please use this search engine to find available ICC certified inspectors that producers can use that will satisfy your utility company to complete the connection. Be aware that third-party inspectors will likely charge a fee for service.
IPANM is recommending that all producers contact their utility providers to confirm their procedures. We also recommend that producers DOCUMENT EVERYTHING related to your new or needed re-energized connections.
Directive from Construction Industries Division about the future of Inspections
Connection Form Required