BLM to Hold Outreach Meetings on HF Rule

Next week, June 18 and 22, the BLM will hold outreach meetings for industry on the new BLM Hydraulic Fracturing rule that becomes effective June 24. The meeting on June 18 will be at the Walter Gerrells Exhibition Center in Carlsbad, and the meeting on the 22nd will be at San Juan College, Little Theater. Each meeting will be from 9am to noon and will include question and answer sessions on implementation of the new rule. Please see the links below for the agendas.

In the meantime, to prepare for both the meeting and the June 24th implementation date, we have taken the actual rule provisionm which is only six pages, out of the 299 page federal register submission (see link below). In addition, the BLM has been working with representatives of IPANM, PBPA and NMOGA to develop a flowchart of relevant dates for operators (linked here in draft form). Prior to the BLM presentations, a powerpoint, answers to questions asked and templates will also be provided. The task force is also working on a template affidavit to address the trade secret issues raised in section 3162.3-3(j). When these documents become available, we will notify our membership.

We also hope to have a three hour workshop on the ins and outs of implementation of the HF rule on the Wednesday before the IPANM annual meeting so that we can more fully discuss how the BLM is moving forward with permitting and approving the HF permits.

2015 BLM HF rule
BLM HF Rule Outreach Agenda – Carlsbad
BLM HF Rule Outreach Agenda – Farmington
Draft HF Applicability Flow Chart