SESSION 2025: SB48 – $340 Million/Year To End Fossil Fuels

IPANM (February 8, 2025) – On Saturday, February 8, 2025, the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico was joined by NMOGA, New Mexico Business Coalition, and others to strong opposition of SB48 & SB49. These bills propose $340 Million dollars / year of taxpayer money to promote programs to help end the fossil fuels.

Language in these anti-oil & gas bills include using the millions to “promote the state’s economy by fostering economic development opportunities unrelated to fossil fuel development”; to promote “projects that reduce the use of combustion engine vehicles”; and, ” promote the reuse and recycling of materials in a
sustainable manner and transition New Mexico away from
dependence on the fossil fuel industry.”

IPANM strongly believes this bill is an attempt by government to blatantly pick winners & losers in energy markets, pushes more expensive – less reliable energy source that will disproportionately hurt the poorest communities in New Mexico, and  ignores the consumers’ preference for more affordable gas-power automobiles at a time when EV’s are sitting unsold on dealership lots across New Mexico.

IPANM encourages citizens to reach out to Senator Mimi Stewart, the sponsor of these bills, and tell her to quit forcing higher costs on New Mexicans through subsidized programs that are proven to already not work.

SB48 & SB49 passed Senate Conservation Committee on Saturday on a partyline vote with all D’s voting for approval, and all 3 R’s voting in opposition.

Social Media Post By Senator Jim Townsend (R) Artesia:


Office Phone: 986-4734
CC: Secretary Email:

MEDIA STORY: $340 million climate measure clears committee