SESSION 2025: Trades Send Letter To Senate Pro Tem: Kill SB4!

IPANM, NMOGA, & PBPA (February 5, 2025) –

The following is a letter that the New Mexico Trade Associations have sent to Senator Mimi Stewart (D), Pro Tempore of the State Senate regarding her dangerous SB4 Clean Horizons Act:

February 5, 2025

President Pro Tempore Mimi Stewart
New Mexico State Senate
Dear President Pro Tempore Stewart,

On behalf of the member companies of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association
(NMOGA), Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico (IPANM), and
Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA), we would like to reiterate our strong
opposition to SB 4 – Clear Horizons and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
We implore you to understand this bill’s targets are scientifically unachievable in the
parameters you have proposed. Our members are fully supportive of and practice
environmental stewardship and innovation. As you know, with technology
improvements and New Mexico’s stringent regulations, emissions continue to
decrease throughout the state.

However, SB 4, as written, will force companies out of compliance and out of New
Mexico. The bill will impose draconian emissions reductions mandates on oil and
gas, utilities, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation,
residential/commercial/industrial development and other critical sectors of the
state’s economy.

If this is your goal, you will successfully end New Mexico’s oil and gas industry – one
of the most productive, beneficial and science-based industries in the state – with
no plan to revitalize the economy, create jobs or fund basic human services. We
appreciate that you want to make New Mexico an even better place to live, work and
thrive. SB 4 will do the exact opposite.

To see full letter, click here.