A New Day at IPANM
2020 Annual Meeting
IPANM Methane MAP Team Named Members of the Year at 2020 Annual Update
During the July 30, 2020 IPANM Annual Update, the eight IPANM Methane Advisory Panel Representatives were named our MEMBERS OF THE YEAR. Each of the members listed on the graphic dedicated countless hours and technical expertise to a series of 14 Methane Stakeholder Meetings held in the fall of 2019 in Santa Fe over three months. For context, each meeting lasted 4 to 6 hours and required many additional hours of prep work.
The culmination of their work led to this Technical Report which helped guide the drafting of the state’s proposed Methane Rules. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to these dedicated IPANM members for their time and efforts!

2020 IPANM Annual Meeting
Video Conference Held on July 30, 2020
The 2020 IPANM Annual Meeting, which was originally scheduled for July 22 to 24, 2020 in Albuquerque, was postponed due to COVID-19 public gathering restrictions. Instead, IPANM hosted an “Annual Update” at 11 a.m. on July 30, 2020 open to all members through ZOOM Video Conferencing.
We sincerely regret the circumstances that led to this difficult decision, but we also recognized the importance of abiding to health precautions in light of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. We wish all a safe and healthy summer!

2020 IPANM Golf Outing
Held on Oct. 16, 2020
The 2020 IPANM Golf Outing was a huge success! As golf is one of the activities that presented low risk for the spread of COVID-19, IPANM held a safe & socially distanced golf outing in mid October! Our thanks for the great turnout and the many generous sponsorships! Please click on the graphic to acknowledge our supporters. In all, IPANM sold 30 unique sponsorships and exceeded our modest fundraising expectations.
With the cancellation of our July IPANM Annual Meeting, the golf outing also served as our association’s best opportunity to network with other members. Our special thanks to Dwane McQuitty, Mitch Krakauskas, Kyle Armstrong, and Nick McClelland for their extra efforts on the tournament and events.
Chris Carter of NGP offered opening comments at Annual Update
Chris Carter of NGP offered opening comments at our 2020 Annual Update, which was held on Video Conference on July 30, 2020 at 11 a.m. Mountain Time. Our Annual Update replaced our Annual Meeting, which had been cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions and public gathering restrictions in New Mexico.
We were pleased to hear insights from Chris on where the Oil & Gas industry stands today, and where we are headed in the future. For more information on Chris, please click here or on the accompanying graphic to the side of this article.
Please support Hotel Chaco & Hotel Albuquerque!
Hotel Chaco
Albuquerque, NM
Located in the heart of Albuquerque’s original settlement in the historic Old Town district, Hotel Chaco rises high above nearby walking-distance attractions in Albuquerque, like the vibrant, up-and-coming Sawmill District neighborhood. It offers some of the most breathtaking views of the Sandia Mountains to the east, and the mesas, volcanoes and Mount Taylor to the west.
We sincerely thank all past sponsors of our Annual Meetings!
Consider sponsoring other IPANM events!
Contact Jiim Winchester at jimwinchester@ipanm.org for other 2020 sponsorship opportunities.