As many of you are aware, the BLM released a proposed Venting and Flaring Rule that will have significant impacts on our industry. Thanks to an extension request by Governor Martinez and several others, the comment deadline was extended from April 8th to April 22nd. A link to the proposed rule is here.
In an effort to educate industry on this issue, NMOGA has invited both IPANM members and State Legislators to attend one of three webinars to be held on April 5th at 10am, or 2pm or April 6th at 10am. You will need to register for the event. As the impacts of the BLM Venting and Flaring rule will be significant, we strongly suggest IPANM members participate in these webinars and submit comments to the BLM. We will be sending out a 2 page bullet point list of the pro-industry arguments so you can cut and paste them onto your letterhead to send to the BLM.
In the interest of balance, we have also included a letter from several New Mexico legislators to the BLM in support of the proposed Venting and Flaring rules. The arguments in support include a claim that venting in the oil patch results in a $42 million dollar loss in state revenues. It is my hope that these politicians will take the time to educate themselves on this issue at the NMOGA webinars.