Earlier this month, IPANM commented on the proposed revisions to OnShore Order #3. As a result of the many comments and extension requests for commenting on OnShore Orders #4 and #5, the BLM has extended the deadline to December 14th. The BLM has also opted to have stakeholder meetings on the proposals. As a reminder to the invitation that was sent out last week, the first meeting will be tomorrow at 1pm in Durango at the Double Tree Hotel. The next meeting will be December 3, at 1pm at the Oklahoma City Convention Center Renaissance Hotel. The final meeting will be December 8 at 1pm at the Astoria Hotel in Dickinson, North Dakota. Please note that although the BLM has provided a contact named Mike Wade at phone 303-239-3737, Mr. Wade will be out of the office until December 10th.
In addition, the BLM has provided the linked powerpoint presentation on their website in preparation for the meeting.