IPANM has No Position on S. 2440

Due to confusion that has arisen from my previous email on S. 2440, I have been asked to clarify that IPANM takes no position on this bill.

You will recall that S. 2440 relates to BLM permitting fees and is sponsored by Senator Udall. S.2440 passed the Senate on unanimous consent last week and is scheduled for a vote in the House after the recess. Because we have IPANM members who support the bill and others who do not, IPANM does not have a formal position on the legislation. However, IPAA, WEA and NMOGA are in support of the bill.

I have also been asked by Senator Udall’s office to clarify that should S. 2440 pass the House, that the increased BLM fee is to be distributed as follows: The current funding of the BLM pilot offices comes from rentals. Those funds will continue to go to the Secretary of the DOI with no limit on her authority to distribute to fit the agency needs. The funds generated from the fees will go to a separate account than the revenue from the rentals. The pilot offices and permitting efforts are to be funded with the APD fees. The Santa Fe Office will receive a reimbursement value of 75% of the fees generated by the New Mexico pilot offices.
–Karin Foster