NMED Seeking Comments on Proposed O&G Storage Vessels Permit

Today, the New Mexico Environment Department announced that on Monday Sept 23rd, they will be holding a public comment period wherein members of the oil and gas industry will be able to comment on the New General Construction Permit process for Oil and Gas storage Vessels. The proposed GCP-6 permit is attached to this email as well.
Please see the press release from Sept 19th below:

New Mexico Air Quality Bureau Hosting Open House On New General Construction Permit for Storage Vessels

Santa Fe, NM — The New Mexico Environment Department Air Quality Bureau (AQB) is developing a new General Construction Permit (GCP-6) for storage vessels used in the oil and gas industry. The AQB will host informal open houses next week to receive public comment and answer questions on the development of the GCP-6. The open house will be held on September 23, 2013 from 11:00AM to 2:00PM at the following locations:

NMED Air Quality Bureau
525 Camino de los Marquez, Suite 1A Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

NMED District II Field Office 3400 Messina Drive, Room 105 Farmington, NM 87402

NMED District III Field Office 1914 W. Second Street, Roswell, NM 88201

The GCP-6 is a completely voluntary permit for the oil and gas industry to register new storage vessels. The storage vessels that would be registered under the permit typically do not require an air permit to operate. This permit was developed in response to a new federal regulation which requires the regulated community to install control devices on new storage vessels.
The draft GCP-6 may be viewed during regular business hours at the NMED Air Quality Bureau office, 525 Camino de los Marquez Suite 1, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505. The draft GCP-6 is available by contacting Kathy Primm at (505) 476-5561 or Kathleen.Primm@state.nm.us, and the draft GCP-6 is posted on AQB’s website at:
