Eddy County Roads Partnership Agreement

Eddy County released an updated version of a proposed partnership agreement. Eddy County Manager, Allen Sartin, wanted to stress to industry that this newest version of the public-private partnership (PPP) is completely voluntary. This agreement is to be used when a company needs to get a road repaired so that they can use the road for operations without waiting for county road crews to get there. There will be a reimbursement from the County in the amount of 30% of what it would have cost the county to repair that road. Note that the maximum reimbursement will be $50,000 because that is the maximum allowable under the procurement code. The County Manager will also have to determine if the road needs to be fixed and if the county has the funds for reimbursement prior to beginning the road work. This agreement will be between the County Manager and the company and will not necessarily go before the Commission. In addition, the company takes on liability for the period of the road work until the County signs off on the work. The County will also retain the right to supervise the work. In the packet there is a liability waiver that the County will require for a company to be involved in any road work.

Please review the linked proposed agreement within your company and with your legal staff. If you have any concerns or comments, please get back to Karin Foster by MARCH 1ST so that IPANM can continue our communications with the County in this issue.