A New Day at IPANM
Meet our Board Members
An Overview of IPANM’s Board of Directors: The activities of IPANM are truly directed by its members. The member-elected Board of Directors guides all business conducted by the Association. The Board has outsourcing arrangements to support its administrative and lobbying functions. Consequently, IPANM focuses on the concerns of the independent oil and gas producers in New Mexico, while advocating for industry as a whole.
Our Board consists of five Executive Board Members consisting of the Board President, the most-recent Past Board President, the SouthEast Region Vice-President, the Northwest Region Vice-President & the Treasurer. Each executive Board Member serves a 3-year term, with a single new Executive Board member replacing the outgoing Past Board President on an annual basis.
The 12-person Elected Board of Directors consists four members from the SouthEast Region, four members from the NorthWest Region and four members At-Large. Elected Board members serve three-year terms and are eligible to seek reelection.
All Past Board Presidents retain lifetime board seats. While not required to attend quarterly board meetings, they can participate and vote during board meetings (or assign a proxy) if they so choose. Past Board members do not count towards a quorum count to conduct board meetings.
Jared Hembree
IPANM Board President 2023-24
Hinkle Shanor LLP
Emmons Yates
IPANM Southeast Vice President
Vice President
Jalapeno Corporation
Nick Piatek
IPANM Northwest Vice President
Regulatory & Governmental Affairs

Alex Campbell
IPANM Immediate Past President
Enduring Resources
Mitch Krakauskas
Vice President
Strata Production Company
2023-2024 Elected Board Members
Northwest Region
John Alexander
Dugan Production Corp.
Krista McWilliams
Logos Resources LLC
Josh Lamberton
Whiptail Midstream
Open Board Seat
Northwest Region
Southeast Region
Ron Hillman
Armstrong Energy Corporation
Rory McMinn
Independent Consultant
Hanson Yates
Santo Petroleum
Justin McClelland
Abo Empire
Out of State/At-Large
Ed Lauer
Lucky Services Inc.
Randall Hudson
Javelina Partners
Sam Shiverick
Buckhorn Production
Open Board Seat
At-Large Member
Past President Board of Directors
Past Presidents who remain active members of IPANM
Kyle Armstrong
Robert G. Armstrong
Tucker Bayless
John Byrom
Richard Gilliland
Dan Girand
Frank Gorham III
Nick McClelland
Ryan Davis
Mitch Krakauskas
Claire Chase
T. Greg Merrion
Tom Mullins
Mark Murphy
Greg Nibert
Glen Papp
Tommy Roberts
Larry Scott
John Thomas
John Thompson
Paul Thompson
Frank Yates
George Yates
Historical Presidents and Award Recipients
1979: President, Peyton Yates; Member of the Year, Larry Harris
1980: President, Dave Thomas Jr.
1981: President, William LeMay; Member of the Year, Roy Crocker; Distinguished Life Award, Dave Thomas Jr.
1982: President, Robert L. Bayless; Member of the Year, George Yates
1983: President, Alan Antweil; Member of the Year, William LeMay
1984: President, Albert R. Greer; Member of the Year, Peyton Yates
1985: President, George M. Yates; Member of the Year, Albert Greer; Statesmanship Award, Robert M. Moran
1986: President, Tom Dugan; Member of the Year, Joe Kelly; Statesmanship Award, Steve Reynolds
1987: President, Donald Stevens
1988: President, Fred Schlicher; Member of the Year, Bruce D. Ritter
1989: President, Tommy Roberts
1990: President, Joseph Kelly
1991: President, Sylvia Little
1992: President, Sylvia Little
1993: President, Dan Girand
1994: President, Dan Girand
1995: President, Kevin McCord; Member of the Year, Dan Girand; Statesmanship Award, Pete Domenici
1996: President, Mark Murphy; Distinguished Life Award, Alvin Baca
1997: President, Mark Murphy; Distinguished Life Award, Robert L. Bayless
1998: President, Frank Gorham III; Member of the Year, Bruce D. Ritter
1999: President, Frank Gorham III; Member of the Year, Albert Greer
2000: President, Frank Yates, Jr.; Member of the Year, Mark Murphy
2001: President, Frank Yates, Jr.; Member of the Year, Gerald Harrington
2002: President, Tucker Bayless; Member of the Year, Tom Dugan
2003: President, Jeff Harvard; Member of the Year, Frank Yates, Jr.; Statesmanship Award, Joe Skeen
2004: President, T. Greg Merrion; Member of the Year, John Byrom; Statesmanship Award, Dr. Robert Lee
2005: President, Chuck Moran; Member of the Year, Greg Nibert
2006: President, Paul Thompson; Member of the Year, Johnny Gray
2007: President, Johnny Knorr; Member of the Year John Byrom
2008: President, John Byrom; Member of the Year, Tom Mullins
2009: President, Larry Scott; Distinguished Life Award, Bruce D. Ritter
2010: President, Robert G. Armstrong; Member of the Year, Gerald Harrington
2011: President, John Thompson; Member of the Year, Jeff Harvard; Statesmanship Award, Linda Rundell;
Distinguished Life Award, Dan Girand
2012: President, Greg Nibert; Members of the Year, Pit Rule Committee–Larry Scott, Paul Thompson, John Thompson and Tom Mullins; Distinguished Life Award, Tom Dugan; Citizenship Award, Mark Mathis
2013: President, Gary Brink; Member of the Year, Greg Nibert
2014: President, Richard Gilliland; Member of the Year, Andrew Cloutier
2015: President, Glen Papp; Member of the Year, Richard Gilliland
2016: President, Mitch Krakauskas; Member of the Year, Dan Girand
2017: President, Tom Mullins; Member of the Year, Mitch Krakauskas
2018: President, Claire Chase; Member of the Year, Larry Scott
2019: President, John Thomas; Member of the Year, Francisco Olvera; Company of the Year, Merrion Oil & Gas
2020: President, Kyle Armstrong; Members of the Year, Representatives of the IPANM Methane Advisory Panel; Ryan Davis, Paul Thompson, Tim Friesenhahn, Matt Henderson, Scott Lindsay, Ernie Johnson, John Maxey & Zach LaCount
2021: President, Ryan Davis; Member of the Year, Ryan Davis; Distinguished Service, Dave Brown
2022: President, Nick McClelland; Member of the Year, James Strickler
2023 President, Alex Campbell; Member of the Year: Dave Brown